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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

But.... But.... Harper is so delusional he believes he can run the country

Unpreparedness rooted in Tory policy, public’s parsimony: Mallick

 Events keep taking Canada by surprise. We need a government that does its job: preparing for the future. And we should be willing to pay for it.

"What’s odd is that the federal government, under Harper, sees Canadians as groups of enemies, surveilling us, kettling us in demonstrations, dividing us into groups — Muslims, scientists, public employees, Tory provinces, Liberal provinces — while being reluctant to i...nvest in the common good. We need a national policy for medical drugs. It won’t happen. We need a long-gun registry. It was killed. We need high-speed rail. Forget it. Why join a war on ISIS? Why not?

 We are as nationally prepared for collapsing oil prices as we are for drought and flooding caused by climate change: not at all.

 It is very nice of provinces to step in but they don’t have the population or the tax base to repair damage to our national fabric smoothly and well.

 The larger problem, that we are so often taken by surprise, will only be solved by a federal election that rids us of extremist Conservatives. Think ahead, Canada."

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