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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Harper adopts Bush Cheney re-election plan ..... my rant

After 9/11 the Bush/Cheney administration introduced a program of instilling fear and hatred of Muslim everywhere. Whether real or imaginary they convinced the American people that they, and they alone, could save America from the ravage's of evil.

Bush/Cheney instituted a system to warn America of the immanent danger of terrorist attacks. These alerts occurred periodically for months after the twin tower attack and instilled the idea into the American public that there were factions within that were waiting to harm the people.

Once the people had accepted the alert system and believed that attacks were immanent the alerts slowly subsided. Then as the 2004 election drew near a new round of fear mongering was initiated by the Bush/Cheney administration. All this political manipulation of the people cost America billions upon billions in stepped up security.

Bush and Cheney were re-elected.

We are now seeing a similar pattern developing as we approach the 2015 election. Fear mongering. Canada is in danger of attack from within as a result of ISIS/ISIL actions in the Mideast.

America, Canada and Great Briton were amongst the countries that either trained, armed or financially supported this group the Harper government is now telling us are a danger to Canadians.

Today (Monday the 6th of October) parliament is debating Canada's involvement in the extermination of ISIS/ISIL. What debate. Stephen Harper has already dispatched a number of aircraft to the Mideast with the intent to bomb the shit out of Canada's greatest enemy since World War II.

It is a "noble and honorable mission".

The full intent of this "noble and honorable mission" is to commit genocide of a group of freedom fighters ( Harpers and Obama's depiction of these fighters 6 months ago). Like what America did to Sadam Hussein we are engaging the power of the free World to hunt down and kill those we consider tyrants.

To add validity to his hate mongering approach to re-election Stephen Harper has brought to parliament CSIS who will tell Canadians about the dangers that we, as a people, are in from radical factions within the Islamic community.

More paranoia, more hate mongering. Billions of dollars will be spent by this government to convince Canadians that they, the Reform-a-Cons are doing this valiant mission for the people.

Do I believe there are those within the community that wish to make an example of their ability to hurt Canadians..... of course I do, but the Muslim community has stepped up and is identifying those who are potentially being radicalized. The number is relatively low when one compares those Canadians who have been radicalized against Muslims as a result of Harpers actions and statements.

Do I believe the problem of ISIS/ISIL or any other terrorist group can be solved by targeted genocide....... Hell no....... I do, however believe we can find common ground and live peacefully, but first we must change our views as we change the views of the Islamic world... but that takes time and understanding of the root cause of their and our actions and reactions.

The official explanation from the PMO of why we are in Iraq .....

..... Now do you understand?

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