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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Harpers economics-bashing of Trudeau

‪#‎IdleNoMore‬ ‪#‎cdnpoli‬ .. FACT CHECK 101 .. Harper & CPC's Economic 'bashing' of .. Pierre Trudeau is purposefully misleading .. April 10th 2015

Harper not... only needs to re-learn economics .. but history .. 'Oliver said .. Federal spending tripled between 1969 & 1979 because of the "ideology of the man at the wheel.
FACT: Spending tripled because of introduction of Universal HealthCare .. GIS & CPP .. plus rolling OAS age from 70 to 65.

FACT: In 1973 & again in 1979 .. OPEC 'Oil' shocks .. sent out massive waves in international economies .. that resulted in hyper-inflation .. interest rate hikes .. and ultimately Stagflation.

FACT: Harper faced only 1 economic shock .. where Trudeau faced several.
'Oliver also accused the former PM of being "reckless" with taxpayer money.'

FACT: Harper has exponentially grown the costs of government ..including consultants, advertising, legal costs, etc.

Worse he created a structural deficit with GST cuts .. that he has never been fixed .. all Harpernomics is based on 'ideology' not prudent fiscal policy.

'Harper drew on the lessons of "history at the Federal level" to explain why he thinks balanced budgets are important.

'I can remember as a boy, once the small deficits started to be run in the early '70s by the Trudeau government, and it went on for a generation' Harper said.

FACT: 10% of Federal revenue goes to interest payments to service our debt .. in 2014-15 those costs equalled $28 Billion .. in Mulroney years the cost was $ 30 Billion/year which Harper blames on Trudeau.

FACT: Harper has added $176 Billion to debt in 10 years .. Trudeau added $206 Billion over 16 years ..

FACT: Harper's cost to service debt occurred .. without explosive inflation & interest rate hikes & negative effective GDP growth like Trudeau had to face.

'Harper added .. that such spending eventually led to "drastic cuts" to health care & education in the 1990s by "the then-Liberal government.'

FACT: those cuts were caused by a decade of double digit interests rates .. and that trickle down economics Mulroney championed .. failed to produce the results that the CONs predicted.
Pierre Trudeau was responsible for increasing both the national debt and the size of the Federal government.

FACT: Both the size of government & Debt/Deficits were 'done deals' for Trudeau .. made by PM's between 1952-1967 .. that embarked on concerted effort to reduce poverty levels of Canadians .. and regional disparities.

FACT: Women massively entering the workplace & unique demands placed on economics due 'Baby Boomers' .. again 2 social phenomenons that could not be changed.…/stephen-harper-pierre-trudea……/…/pensions/cpp-a52-wcr_e.shtml

"Pearson had also burdened the country with new programs and policies .. that would steadily increase costs and expectations and drive the country toward bankruptcy.

Canada was not alone in experiencing economic turmoil, suggesting that International forces played a large role.

Domestic factors, however, were also important, including the impact of policy choices .. that tried to shield Canadians from International pressures

The combined impact of International & Domestic forces were also fuelling inflation .. and increasing levels of both structural and frictional unemployment.

Pearson government had pursued an activist social agenda, convinced that in a richer Canada, governments could do more to help poorer Canadians.

The Trudeau government decided to go even further, trying to shape Canada’s economic development along politically more acceptable lines.

More than any other member of the OECD .. Canada faced the fastest growing labour force .. spurred not only by the baby boom bulge .. but also by the impact of rising participation by women in the labour force & continuing high levels of immigration.

Accommodating these additions added to inflationary pressures.

Finally, there developed a high level of resistance on the part of both government and industry to adapt and adjust to new economic forces.

Particularly in the weaker manufacturing sectors ..adding to the attraction of the 'crank' solutions offered by Nationalists & Interventionists.' .. AKA extreme right & left ..

Pierre Trudeau steered Canada .. down the middle !

'2 constants that had emerged in the decade following World War II.. would continue to dominate Canadian trade policy choices: the relationship with the US .. and the importance of the GATT based trade relations system.' ..

2 things a PM could do nothing about.

'Canadian firms were not meeting global competition'

Why are the CPC doing this .. just look at the polls .. CPC support is down in Western Reform base .. ONT holding steady enough for LIBs.

Harper is attempting to regain support in West that unfairly .. has a 'hatred' for Trudeau .. and try to capitalize on Quebecers dislike of PET .. to gain the seats he needs to get a majority in 2015.…/six-stewards-of-canadas-ec…/…/stephen-harper-pierre-trudea…

Had Harper not ideologically reduced GST for votes in 2008 .. Canada's Debt would be @ $100 Billion less than it is today.

With the current price of Oil in a trough again .. IF sustained .. it is a matter of time before .. interest rates rise .. Harper has allowed the conditions to be created .. with Harpernomics.

A period of stagflation could again threaten Canada worse than any ISIS threat .. Harper destroyed the 'healthy' balanced economy & surpluses Chretien built .. in his failed attempt to make Canada a Petro State.…/…/one_last_trim_5_gst_kicks_in.html

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